A new publication by C.H.Beck, a major specialist legal publishing house, has just arrived in bookshops. The commentary on Articles 450-1088 of the Polish Civil Code (Kodeks cywilny. Tom II. Komentarz do art. 450-1088) edited by Prof. Maciej Gutowski and co-authored by SMM Legal lawyers, makes part of a series of extensive commentaries on Polish law.
This collective work by outstanding lawyers – researchers and practitioners – guarantees high substantive and practical value of articles, offering a broad analysis of case law and legal literature. The commentary represents the current legal status and provides an in-depth analysis of all recent amendments to the Civil Code.
When working on the commentary, the authors, who include SMM Legal lawyers: Prof. T. Sójka, Prof. M. Orlicki, A. Raczyński, PhD, M.Saczywko, J. Stranz, R. Szyszko, tried to understand and meet the needs of readers searching for practical solutions to legal problems. Such a publication needed to be based on practical knowledge supported by sound theoretical foundations. The authors are lawyers enjoying outstanding academic and professional position, combining theoretical knowledge with practical background –professors and lecturers of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, actively practicing as advocates or legal advisors.
The commentary is addressed at a broad audience, from professional lawyers, to researchers, to trainees and students. Nonetheless, it has been designed in a way that makes it useful to businesspeople, officers serving on boards of companies and corporations, as well as managers and employees.
To read more, visit: https://www.ksiegarnia.beck.pl/prawo-duze-komentarze-becka/id13194,Kodeks-cywilny.-Tom-II.-Komentarz-do-art.-450-1088.html