On 5-6 August 2009 Aleksander Raczyński Ph.D. and Konrad Kaszubiak of our law firm conducted workshops on business agreements and contracts organised by Centrum Promocji Informatyki.
The workshops included discussions on such issues as i.a. basics of contracts law including the principles and rules of contract construction as well as different ways of concluding contracts and principles of representation of legal entities (proxy, power of attorney and ways to obtain suitable information regarding those were also mentioned). Standard contracts, prohibited contractual clauses and regulations on distance contracts and off-premises contracts were given a special analysis. Some attention was also given to legal security of receivables a.i. by bank or insurance guarantees, bills of exchange, submits to execution, transfers of title, pledge and mortgage. Finally, the effects of failure or improper performance of contracts were discussed. Much time was given to a thorough discussion on contractual penalties and confidentiality obligations, non-competition issues or contractual arrangements on disputes resolutions -clauses of the applicable law and courts of competent jurisdiction.