On 02-03 June 2016, the Collegium Iuridicum Novum of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań hosted an international seminar on omission-based claims in patent law entitled ‘Injunctions in Patent Law’. .
The seminar was organized by Rafał Sikorski, PhD, a partner at SMM Legal. The speakers included outstanding specialists on patent law from around the world, such as Jorge Contreras from the US, Arno Risse from Germany, Trevor Cook from the United Kingdom and Rudi Bekkers and Matt Heckman from the Netherlands. During the seminar, the participants were joined by specialists from Asia (South Korea) by a teleconference connection.
Detailed information on the papers presented by the speakers is available at: http://prawo.amu.edu.pl/strona-glowna/content-wpia-gony/301911-seminarium-injuctions-in-patent-law