A new publication by Prof. Maciej Mataczyński, Managing Partner at SMM Legal, has just appeared in bookstores. The book, written in the English language, is entitled ‘Seat of the Company in Private International Law. Selected Issues’.

The monograph discusses key matters related to the concept of seat in private international law. It takes account of EU law, as well as Polish international and commercial law. The publication consists of four chapters, each focusing on one of the following problems:


  • the notion of legal person in international law, including the statutory seat connecting factor;

  • transborder transfer of a statutory seat of a Polish company abroad from the perspective of freedom of establishment;

  • transborder transfer of a company to Poland taking account of the equivalence of terms and the need to adapt the corporate statutes to the requirements of foreign law;

  • The impact of the Court of Justice judgement issued in case C-106/16 Polbud – Wykonawstwo sp. z o.o. on the notion of corporate seat in private international law.

The text on transborder transfer of a company to Poland is co-authored by Maksymilian Saczywko, Senior Associate at SMM Legal, while the publication was edited by Aleksandra Gumniak, Associate at SMM Legal. The book was published by  Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM – Adam Mickiewicz University Press in Poznań.

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